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通过对引进的8个迷迭香品种在3个试验地的栽培试验研究。结果表明,迷迭香的高生长和冠幅生长在品种间存在显著差异,生长表现好的品种有SUBURY BLUE、UPRIGHT和标准迷迭香,高生长和冠幅生长在不同试验点间也存在显著差异,在乐昌市龙山林场种植的综合表现较好,文章还说明在粤北地区种植迷迭香合适的株行距离,以及修枝管理对迷迭香生长的影响。
关键词:   迷迭香 引种 栽培试验
Study on introduction and cultivation of Rosmarinus officinalis
Based on 8 Rosmarinus officinalis species cultivation testing in 3 different experimental fields, their adaptabilities were investigated. The results shown that there are significant differences between heights growth and crown width growth of Rosmarinus officinalis among different species, the tests of R. Labiata, Subury blue and Upright appearing better; there are significant differences between heights growth and crown width growth of Rosmarinus officinalis in different experimental fields too, and integrated appearing better in Longshan tree farm, Lechang town. This paper indicates the optimal row spacing, analyzes the effects of pruning on growth of Rosmarinus officinalis. Key word: Rosmarinus officinalis; introduction; cultivation testing Key word: Rosmarinus officinalis; introduction; cultivation testing
Key words:   Rosmarinus officinalis; introduction; cultivation testing