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关键词:   阔叶树 幼苗 干重 养分浓度 养分贮量
Distribution Patterns of Nutrients in Seedlings of Six Broad-leaved Tree Species
The biomass, nutrient concentration and distribution patterns of nutrients in seedlings of six tree species were studied in this paper, such as Castanopsis hystrix, Castanopsis fissa, Schima superba. The result showed as follows: Among the six tree species, the dry weight rate of Castanopsis hystrix ranked the first level, with Camellia oleiferathe second, Schima superba and Castanopsis fissathe third, Artocarpus lingnanensis and Magnoliaceae glancathe last. The order of nutrient concentration in six species was K>N>P, except for the leaves of Camellia oleifera and Artocarpus lingnanensis, which was N>K>P. The order of organs containing nitrogen concentration was leaves>root>branches, however, the organs containing phosphorus concentration were in turns of root >branches>leaves,and there was no significant difference in organs containing potassium concentration. The nutrient amount in total seedlings of six tree species was in turn of K>N>P. There were more phosphorus stored in branches of Castanopsis hystrix、Castanopsis fissa、Camellia oleifera than other organs, but as for Schima superba、Magnoliaceae glanca、Artocarpus lingnanensis, there were more phosphorus stored in their root than other organs, with few phosphorus stored in leaves of all six species.Schima superba、Artocarpus lingnanensis had more potassium stocks in root than other organs, while other species had the largest potassium stocks in branches.
Key words:   broad-leaved tree; seedlings; dry weight; nutrient concentration;nutrient amount