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通过样方调查,对广东东莞市银瓶山森林公园清溪片区内海拔800 m左右的广东松(Pinus kwangtungensis)+红花荷(Rhodoleia championii)群落的物种组成、群落结构和物种多样性进行分析。结果表明,在1 200 m2的样地内共有维管束植物35科 47属55种,植物区系成分以热带成分为主,同时温带成分也占有一定的比例,表现出较为明显的过渡性质;群落分为乔木层、灌草层,组成成分较为简单,以广东松、红花荷为优势种,伴生大量的五节芒(Miscanthus floridulus)和箬竹(Indocalamus tessellatus);该群落生活型以高位芽植物为主,占总种数的76.36%,其中小高位芽、矮高位芽和藤本高位芽植物在数量上无明显差异;按Raunkiaer标准,群落物种分布不均匀;物种多样性指数则更加表明该群落物种组成单调,优势种类不明显,在空间和数量上分布呈不均匀状态。
关键词:   东莞银瓶山森林公园〓广东松+红花荷群落〓群落特征
Characteristics of Pinus kwangtungensis+Rhodoleia championii =Community in Dongguan Mt. Yinping Forest Park, Guangdong
We analyzed the floristic composition, structure, physiognomy and species diversity of Pinus kwangtungensis+Rhodoleia championii community in Dongguan Mt. Yinping Forest Park, Guangdong, by field investigation of a 1 200 m2 plot at the altitude about 800 m. Results showed that there were 55 vascular species, belonging to 47 genera and 33 families. It showed obviously transitional characteristic for the Tropical elements taking dominant (75%), and followed by the Temperate (22.73%). The community was divided into arbor layer and shrubherb layer with a simple and nonuniform distributed composition. P. kwangtungensis and R. championii take the dominated place, associated with a mass of Miscanthus floridulus and Indocalamus tessellates. The phanerophytes take the most part in the life forms, with a percentage of 76.36%. Frequency analysis and diversity index reconfirmed that the status of simple species composition, unobvious dominated species and uneven distribution on space and quantity.
Key words:   Dongguan Mt. Yinping Forest Park, Pinus kwangtungensis+Rhodoleia championii community, community characteristics