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森林种群的空间分布格局分析是研究种群间关系的重要手段,采用Ripley′s K函数方法对广东省东莞大屏嶂森林公园的森林种群进行了分析,结果表明:森林优势种群为黄牛木(Cratoxylaum cochinchinese)、破布叶(Microcos paniculata)和小叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis myrsinifolia);除黄牛木在1.5~4.5 m尺度范围内表现为随机分布外,其余尺度上都表现为聚集分布,破布叶、小叶青冈皆为聚集分布;而地带性植被中华楠(Machilus chinensis)在11 m尺度以下呈现聚集分布,11 m以上则表现为随机分布。黄牛木与破布叶种群之间的分布格局既有正相关也有负相关,而小叶青冈与两者的分布格局皆呈现负相关性,具有十分强烈的竞争关系。
关键词:   大屏嶂森林公园〓空间分布格局〓Ripley′s K函数
Spatial Distribution Patterns of the Forest Population in Dapingzhang, Dongguan
Spatial distribution pattern analysis is an important method to study the relationship between plant populations. The spatial distribution pattern of the evergreen broadleaved forest in Dapingzhang, Dongguan was analysed using Ripley′s K function. The results indicate that the dominant populations are Cratoxylum cochinchinense, Microcos paniculata and Cyclobalanopsis myrsinifolia. Cratoxylum cochinchinense is in random distribution on the scale of 1.5 to 4.5 m, and aggregate distribution on other scales. Microcos paniculata and Cyclobalanopsis myrsinifolia are in aggregate distribution. Machilus chinensis is in aggregate distribution on the scale below 11 m and random distribution on the scale above 11 m. Analysis shows that the relationship of the spatial distribution patterns between Cratoxylum cochinchinense and Microcos paniculata is in both positive and negative correlation. Cyclobalanopsis myrsinifolia is negatively correlated to Cratoxylum cochinchinense and Microcos paniculata, with strong competitive relation.
Key words:   Dapingzhang Forest Park, spatial distribution pattern, Ripley′s K function