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孟蕊, 杨越文, 吕文龙
广东惠东古田省级自然保护区是广东省成立的第一批省级自然保护区之一,面积 2 189.2 hm2, 森林覆盖率为 99.47%,属于森林生态系统中的小型保护区。该次调查野生维管植物共 186 科 609 属 1 130 种,其中蕨类植物 29 科 45 属 80 种,裸子植物 4 科 4 属 6 种,被子植物 153 科 560 属 1 044 种。 蕨类植物热带成分共 33 属,占本区域非世界属的 91.67%,热带成分属占有绝对优势。种子植物热带 成分共 422 属,占保护区非世界分布属的 79.47%,热带成分属占有绝对优势。发现新记录科翅子藤科 Hippocrateaceae1 个,新纪录属 42 个,新记录种 215 个。保护区内珍稀濒危保护野生植物 39 种,其中蕨 类植物 5 种,种子植物 34 种。
关键词:   古田自然保护区;植物区系;区系特征;分布区类型
Study on the Flora of Vascular Plants in Gutian Provincial Nature Reserve of Huidong, Guangdong Province
Meng Rui, yang yue wen, lu wen long
Gutian Provincial Nature Reserve in Huidong
Gutian Provincial Nature Reserve in Huidong is one of the first provincial nature reserves in Guangdong Province. The area is 2 189.2 hm2 and the forest coverage rate is 99.47%. In this survey, there are 1 130 species of wild vascular plants in 186 families and 609 genera. Among them, there are 80 species of pteridophytes belonging to 29 families and 45 genera, 6 species of gymnosperms belonging to 4 families and 4 genera, 1 044 species of angiosperms belonging to 153 families and 560 genera. The tropical components of pteridophytes are 33 genera, accounting for 91.67% of the non-world genera in the region, and tropical composition holds an absolute advantage. The tropical components of seed plants are 422 genera, accounting for 79.47% of the non-world distribution genera in the reserve, and tropical composition holds an absolute advantage. One new record family Hippocrateaceae, 41 new record genera and 215 new record species were found. There are 39 species of rare and endangered protected wild plants in the reserve, including 5 species of ferns and 34 species of seed plants.
Key words:   Gutian Nature Reserve; flora;the characteristics of flora;distribution area type