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谢胤1, 曹永庆2, 余祖华1, 尹必期1, 徐志映1, 寸明辉1, 任华东2, 杨忠品1
以选自云南省腾冲市宝峰山的 17 株腾冲红花油茶 Camellia reticulata 优良单株为对象,连续 2 a 进行花期物候、开花数量、座果率和树冠产量观测,分析腾冲红花油茶花期物候特性及其对座果率和 产量的影响。供试优株在 12 月下旬进入初花期,次年 1 月上旬进入盛花期,3 月下旬进入末花期,花期 长度 90~100 d;各优株花期长度在 23~69 d,初花期发生比较分散,盛花期和末花期则相对集中;单朵花 开放长度平均 8d,单株间和年度间差异不明显;座果率在单株间差异较大,年度间则相对稳定;产量在 株间和年度间都表现出显著差异;盛花期与末花期极显著正相关、与座果率显著正相关,开花数量和座 果率与单位积产量呈极显著的正相关;2 号优株座果率最高,其次 6 号和 4 号;8 号优株单位体积产量最 高,其次 10 号和 6 号;14 株优株花期在年度间相对稳定,可分为早、中、晚三大类型,11、12 和 16 号 优株为早花期类型,1、3、5、9、10、13、14 和 17 号优株为中花类型,2、4 和 8 号优株为晚花类型; 晚花期类型座果率最高,中花期类型次之,早花期类型座果率最低。晚花类型是腾冲红花油茶首选类型, 年度花期相对稳定且花期类型相同的优良单株可互为授粉树,6 号、7 号和 15 号优株在年度间花期极不 稳定,不宜作为授粉树。
关键词:   腾冲红花油茶;优良单株;花期物候;座果率;产量
Effect of Flowering Phenophase on Fruitset Ratio and Yield of Camellia reticulata
XIE Yin1, CAO Yong-qing2, YU Zu-hua1, YIN Bi-qi1, XU Zhi-ying1, CUN Ming-hui1, REN Hua-dong2, YANG Zhong-pin1
1.Experimental station of Camellia reticulate,National center for oil-tea camellia science and technology;2.Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry
The total 17 superior individuals of Camellia reticulata located at Baofeng Mountain of Tengchong, Yunnan province were used to observe flowering phenophase, quantity, fruitset ratio and yield per unit crown volume during 2 years continuously. And the flowering phenophase and its influence on fruitset ratio and yield were investigated. The results showed that the tested superior individuals entered the early flowering, fullbloom and end of flowering stage in the late December, early January and late March, respectively. The flowering period could last for 90-100 days for the whole group and 23-69 days for specific individual. The blooming and the end of flowering stage were more centralized compared with the early flowering stage. The average flowering period of individual flower was 8 days and no significant difference was found among individuals and years. The fruitset ratio showed obvious difference among individuals, while relatively stable among years. And the yield varied significantly among individuals and years. The end of flowering stage and fruitset ratio positively correlated with full-bloom stage. And the positive correlations were also found among flowering quantity, fruitset ratio and the yield per unit crown volume. The superior individual No.2 showed the highest fruiset ratio, followed with No.6 and No.4. The superior individual No.8 showed the highest yield per unit crown volume, followed with No.10 and No.6. The flowering stage of 14 superior individuals was relatively stable among years. The superior individuals No.11, No.12 and No.16 belonged to early flowering type. No.1, No.3, No.5, No.9, No.10, No.3, No.14 and No.17 belonged to middle flowering type and No.2, No.4 and No.8 belonged to late flowering type. The fruitset ratio of late flowering type was the highest, middle flowering type came second and the early flowering type was the lowest. The late flowering type should be taken as priority during selection and the individuals with the same flowering period can pollinate each other. The flowering phenophase of superior individuals No.6, No.7 and No.15 were quite unstable and should not be selected as pollination tree.
Key words:   Camellia reticulata ; superior individual; flowering phenology; fruitset ratio; yield