当前位置: 首页 > 过刊浏览 > 2020年第6期 >

湿热地区海绵校园生态景观设计* ——以广东生态工程职业学院为例

罗中1, 覃俏梅1, 黄东兵1, 曾振宇2, 彭莉霞1
广东省是我国城市内涝的重灾区,海绵校园的研究开展和案例分析刻不容缓。文章以广东生 态工程职业学院为案例,对湿热地区海绵城市建设背景下的高校生态景观改造进行探讨。通过对该案例 进行研究,总结了校园内吸水、渗水、净水和蓄水方面的问题,根据整体规划原则、可持续性原则和综 合性原则进行生态景观总体规划和雨水管理系统规划,将整个校园分为 6 个功能区,其中 3 个功能区规 划了绿色屋顶、透水铺装、下沉式绿地、植草沟、雨水花园等海绵设施,其调蓄容积能够满足年径流总 量控制率的要求。保留绿地部分则以生态护坡改造及植被修复为主,确保校园的可持续发展。
关键词:   海绵城市;低影响开发;雨水管理
Ecological Landscape Design of Sponge Campus in the Humid Tropics of China——A Case Study of Guangdong Eco-engineering Polytechnic
luozhong1, qinqiaomei1, huangdongbin1, zengzhenyu2, penglixia1
1.Guangdong Eco-engineering Polytechnic;2.Guangdong Ruchun ecological Group Co., Ltd
It is urgent to study on cases of sponge campus in cities of Guangdong province, which is under serious pressure of urban water-logging. In this paper, we take Guandong Eco-engineering Polytechnic as a case to investigate the ecological landscape design of campus in the humid tropics of China in the context of Sponge city. Here, we first analysis some existed problems, such as water absorption, seepage, water purification and water storage in the campus. Then we proposed an ecological landscape and rainwater management system planning. According to this planning, the whole campus is divided into six functional areas. Some sponge facilities, such as green roof, permeable pavement, depressed green and rain garden are arranged in three functional areas. The storage capacity of these sponge facilities can meet the whole requirements of the volume capture ration of annual rainfall. Finally, reserved green spaces are utilized for ensuring the sustainable development of campus by ecological slope protection and vegetation restoration.
Key words:   sponge city; low impact development; rainwater management