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文章以南澳岛 17 种典型林分作为研究对象,采用环刀法分别对 17 种样地进行调查取样,分 析比较其土壤的理化特性。结果表明:(1)17 种林分中,台湾相思 Acacia confusa 和柠檬桉 Eucalyptus citriodora 混交林土壤容重最高,达到 1.32 g · cm-3,而最低为台湾相思和鸭脚木 Schefflera octophylla 混交 林,为 0.68 g · cm-3。(2)17 种林分中,白鹭生态公园相思纯林土壤毛管持水量最高,达到 643.17 g · kg-1 , 最低则为 216.26 g · kg-1,为台湾相思和尾叶桉 Eucalyptus urophylla 混交林。(3)17 种林分土壤总孔隙度在 46.33%~74.04% 之间。(4)土壤有机质含量最高的为枫香 Liquidambar formosana 纯林,为 42.86 g · kg-1 , 最低是马尾松 Pinus massoniana 和其它阔叶树混交林,含量只有 7.71 g · kg-1。总体而言,台湾相思和鸭脚 木混交林土壤疏松,结构性较好,而白鹭生态公园相思纯林土壤物理特性最好,枫香纯林土壤化学特性最 好。因此,应加强对混交林的保护及抚育,提高林分质量。
关键词:   南澳岛;土壤物理特性;土壤化学特性
基金项目:广东省科技创新项目 “森林高效可持续经营模式” (2017KJCX010)
Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Different Stands in Nan
Tang Jie1, Xiao Kejing2, Lin Xi3, Liu Xiaoling4, Du Chengju5, Chen Hongyue6
1.Tang Jie;2.Xiao Kejing;3.Lin Xi;4.Liu Xiaoling;5.Du Chengju;6.Chen Hongyue
The physical and chemical properties of soil in 17 typical stands on Nan""ao Island were analyzed by using the cutting ring method. The results showed that :(1) Among the 17 stands, the soil bulk density of Acacia confusa and Eucalyptus citriodora mixed forest was the highest (1.32 g · cm-3), and the lowest (0.68 g · cm-3) was that of A. confusa and Schefflera octophylla mixed forest.(2) Among the 17 stands, Acacia pure forest in Bailu Ecological Park had the highest soil capillary water capacity (643.17 g · kg-1), while the lowest was 216.26 g · kg-1 (A. confusa and Eucalyptus urophylla mixed forest).(3) The total soil porosity of 17 stands ranged from 46.33% to 74.04%.(4) The content of soil organic matter was the highest in pure Liquidambar formosana forest (42.86 g · kg-1), and the lowest in mixed Pinus massoniana and other broad-leaved trees, which was only 7.71 g · kg-1. In general, the soil of A. confusa and S. octophylla mixed forest was loose and the soil structure was good, while the A. confusa pure forest had the best soil physical properties, and the L. formosana pure forest had the best soil chemical properties. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the protection and tending of mixed forests, improve the stand quality, and provide scientific basis for soil health management.
Key words:   Nan