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叶嘉齐1, 肖以华2, 佟富春3
文章通过线虫群落结构和生态指数分析方法,研究了深圳梧桐山土壤线虫种类组成和群落结构对毛棉杜鹃 Rhododendron moulmainense 生长的影响。结果显示:(1)从梧桐山土壤中分离出线虫 5 213头,隶属于 30 科 56 属,线虫群落结构对梧桐山毛棉杜鹃生长有重要影响;(2)辛普森优势度、密度-类群指数、香农多样性指数和均匀度指数 4 项指标均表明毛棉杜鹃生长状况与土壤线虫多样性显著相关;(3)瓦斯勒斯卡指数和线虫通路指数均表明毛棉杜鹃生长与土壤环境以及分解主导者相关不显著;(4)土壤生态系统成熟度是影响毛棉杜鹃生长的一个重要指标。研究表明,当食微线虫与植食性、捕食性线虫之和的比例控制在合理范围时,毛棉杜鹃生长良好,而当植食性和捕食性线虫占据主导时,毛棉杜鹃生长不良。
关键词:   毛棉杜鹃;土壤线虫;群落结构;线虫生态指数
Effects of Soil Nematodes to Rhododendron moulmainense’s Growth in Wutong Mountain, Shenzhen
YE Jiaqi1, XIAO Yihua2, TONG Fuchun3
1.Guangdong Lingnan Comprehensive Investigation Institute;2.Tropical Forestry Research Institute under Chinese Academy of Forestry;3.Southern Agricultural University of China
The effects of soil nematode species and the community structure on the growth of Rhododendron moulmainense in Wutong Mountain, Shenzhen were studied by means of nematode community structure and ecological index analysis. The results showed that: (1)There were 30 families 56 genus and 5 213 nematodes, the community composition was very important for the growth of R. moulmainense; (2) Simpson dominance index, density group index, Shannon-Wiener and Pielou evenness index all showed the significant correlation between the growth and the diversity of soil nematode; (3)Wasilewska index and Nematode pathway index showed no correlation among the growth, the soil environment and the decompose dominant; (4)The maturity of the soil ecosystem is an important index for the growth of R. moulmainense. Clearly, resonable proportion between microbivorous nematode and herbivores-predatory nematodes could lead better growth for R. moulmainense. Oppositly, the dominance of herbivores-predatory nematodes would make the growth worse.
Key words:   Rhododendron moulmainense; soil nematodes; community structure; ecological index of nema tode