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王喜娜1, 何嘉茜2
定量监测各个物种的蒸散量,有助于区域农业物种选择、城市生态景观规划和水资源精细化管理。该文采用称重法监测4种亚热带城市盆栽花卉铜钱草Hydrocotyle vulgaris 、长寿花Narcissus jonquilla 、碧玉(豆瓣绿)Peperomia tetraphylla和蝴蝶兰Phalaenopsis hybrid的蒸散量,并基于监测数据改进空气饱和差方法测算单株花卉的潜在蒸散量。研究结果表明,在这一年的监测期(2019年11月—2020年10月),铜钱草、长寿花、碧玉和蝴蝶兰的花盆单位面积日均蒸散量为3.5、2.5、2.5和1.8 mm;4种花卉的单位叶面积年蒸散量分别为162、29、74和123 mm。 4种盆栽花卉的蒸散量都与气温呈正相关,与相对湿度(RH)呈负相关。铜钱草的蒸散量与气温和RH都有显著的相关性;长寿花的蒸散量与气温之间的相关性较弱,与RH的之间呈显著的负相关;碧玉和蝴蝶兰在晚上的蒸散量与RH的相关性不显著。风速会提高4种花卉的蒸散量;当土壤水分供给受限或者RH过高(>80%)时,4种花卉的蒸散量急剧减少并趋于雷同。根据日均气温和RH,改进的空气饱和差法能较准确地测算4种花卉的日蒸散量(R2 =0.52~57.0 RD = -0.9%~4.4%),这对快速测算4种花卉的潜在蒸散耗水量和自动浇灌设计等有较重要的推广应用价值,基于该蒸散发估算模型,可以根据较为容易获得的气温和相对湿度数据,快速估算和预测植物的蒸散耗水量,从而做好浇水规划和每日自动浇水量设计。
关键词:   盆栽花卉;蒸散量;称重法;空气饱和差法
Monitoring and Predicting Evapotranspiration for Four Subtropical Urban Potted Plants
Wang Xina1, He Jiaxi2
1.Guangdong Eco-Engineering Polytechic;2.Guangdong Country Garden School
Quantitatively monitoring the plant evapotranspiration (ET) and water consumption is significant important in selecting appropriate plants, planning urban ecology and garden, and precision management of water resources. This study carried out daily monitoring of ET and water consumption for subtropical urban potted plants, Hydrocotyle vulgaris (HV), Narcissus jonquilla (NJ), Peperomia tetraphylla (PT) and Phalaenopsis hybrid (PH) in Guangzhou by weighing from November 1, 2019 to October 31, 2020. The results showed the daily mean ET against the pot area was 3.5, 2.5, 2.5 and 1.8 mm, and the annual ET against the total leaf areas were 162, 29, 74 and 123 mm for the HV, NJ, PT and PH, respectively. The variation of ET for the 4 plants were positively related with air temperature and negatively associated with relative humidity (RH) during day and night time. The Pearson correlation coefficient (CC) of HV’s ET with air temperature and RH were significant. Surprisingly, NJ’s ET showed weak CC with air temperature. Both PT and PH’s ET displayed significant CC with air temperature and RH during day time but weak CC with RH during night time. The 4 plants had evidently higher ET during days with larger wind speed, but similarly low ET in conditions of continuously dry soil or damp air (RH >80%). Based on the daily mean temperature and RH, the improved approach of air saturation deficiency could well estimate the 4 plants’ ET (R2 =0.52-57, RD = -0.9%-4.4%), and has significant implication for estimating their potential ET and designing automated watering system.
Key words:   potted plants; evapotranspiration; weighing; air saturation deficiency