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研究了13个阔叶树种在广东省清新县白湾镇石灰岩山地的早期生长表现。结果表明,楝叶吴茱萸、任豆和千年桐3个落叶树种的存活率在90%以上,生长也最快,3 a生平均树高在3.0 m以上。2个常绿树种浙江润楠和铁冬青表现次之。肥皂荚和长叶竹柏的存活率也较高,但生长较慢,3 a生平均树高不到1.3 m。亮叶含笑、金花茶、蝴蝶树和肖蒲桃的试验苗木几乎全部死亡,表明这些树种不适宜在石灰岩山地种植
关键词:   阔叶树;石灰岩山地;早期生长;造林;粤北
Early Growth of 13 Species of Broad-leaved Trees in Limestone Area of North Guangdong
Wu Yong-bin,Zhu Ming,Huang Chuan-teng,Qin Xin-sheng,Zheng Ming-xuan,Mo Hui-zhi,Xu Ru-ijin and Zhuang Xue-ying
Forestry Bureau of Qingxin County,College of Forestry,South China Agricultural University,Colleg of Forestry,South China Agricultural University,College of Forestry,South China Agricultural University,College of Forestry,South China Agricultural University,College of Forestry,South China Agricultural University,College of Forestry,South China Agricultural University
Thirteen species of broad-leaved trees were planted in limestone area of Baiwan, Qingxin County, North Guangdong. Early growth status of these trees was annually investigated from year 2009 to 2012. The results showed that three deciduous tree species, including Tetradium glabrifolium, Zenia insignis and Vernicia montana, kept highly survival rate with average value>90% in the first year, and displayed fast growth with average height >3.0 m in the third year. Two evergreen species, Machilus chekiangensis and Ilex rotunda also exhibited vigorous growth in the third year. The survival rate of Gymnocladus chinensis, Manglietia chevalieri and Nageia fleuryi were high, but their early growth was slow with average height <1.3 m. In contrast, most of the sampled Michelia fulgens, Camellia petelotii, Heritiera parvifolia, and Acmena acuminatissima were dead, suggesting that these trees were not suitable for plantation in the mountainous limestone area.
Key words:   limestone area; broad-leaved tree; early growth; plantation; North Guangdong