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广东天井山27 a生杉木人工林地上生物量研究

采用标准木法对广东省天井山林场27 a生杉木人工林的地上生物量进行实测,采用胸径(D)、树高(H)参数建立了生物量回归模型,研究该人工林地上总生物量(AGB)在森林各层次及各器官中的分配规律。结果表明:(1)与以单一胸径为自变量相比,树高的引入并没有显著提高方程的预测精度;乔木层地上总生物量(Wa)、树干生物量(Ws)可选用二次方程、三次方程或幂函数来拟合,而树皮生物量(Wbark)、枝叶生物量(Wb l)以多项式模型效果好;(2)地上平均总生物量为141.02 t/hm2,乔木、灌木、草本和凋落物层分别占95.20%,0.27%,0.33%和4.20%,乔木层生物量(134.25 t/hm2)中树干、枝叶、树皮分别占81.77%,10.79%和7.43%;(3)乔木层的立木密度在各径阶的分布为高斯正态分布,但生物量为偏态分布,大径阶比小径阶分配更多的生物量。
关键词:   杉木;地上生物量;模型;偏态分布;成熟林
Aboveground Biomass of 27-year-old Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation in Tianjingshan Forest Farm, Guangdong Province
高华业,zhou guangyi,周志平,赵厚本 and 邱治军
Aboveground biomass (AGB) of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation (27 a) was measured using the normal tree method in Tianjingshan Forest Farm, Guangdong Province. The distribution pattern of AGB among different forest layers and organs were investigated, and biomass regression models using parameters of tree height (H) and diameter at breast height (D) were also set up in this paper. The results indicated that: (1) Adding H factor as the second independent variable slightly improved the predictive power of the allometric equation compared to the equation only involving D. The Quadratic, Cubic and Power equations were suggested to be used for estimating trees′ aboveground (Wa) and stem (Ws) biomass; the best biomass equation of bark (Wbark), branch-leaf (Wb l) must be Quadratic and Cubic equations. (2) Total AGB of the plantation was 141.02 t/hm2, and biomass of arbor, herb, shrub and litter layer took up 95.20%, 0.28%, 0.33% and 4.23% of AGB, respectively, and 81.78%, 10.79%, 7.43% of arbor biomass were allocated in the stem, branch-leaf, bark, respectively. (3) The tree density in different diameter class showed Gaussian distribution, but the biomass showed skewed distribution and larger diameter class had more biomass.
Key words:   Cunninghamia lanceolata; aboveground biomass; model; skewed distribution; mature forest