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广西国有维都林场 广西来宾 546100,广西国有维都林场 广西来宾 546100,广西国有维都林场 广西来宾 546100,广西国有维都林场 广西来宾 546100,广西国有维都林场 广西来宾 546100
桂中地区不同造林密度下5 a生桉树无性系生长及经济效益研究结果表明,各无性系径阶株数多分布在13、14径阶,虽造林密度不同,各径阶株数分布基本趋向于正态分布;3个无性系的平均树高、平均胸径差异不大,总体上随着密度的降低而略有增加,平均树高、平均胸径以2.0 m×4.0 m造林密度下的DH3229无性系最大,分别为20.2 m、14.9 cm;蓄积量以2.0 m×3.0 m造林密度下的DH3229无性系最高,达213.9 m3/hm2;DH3229无性系在2.0 m×3.0 m造林密度下获得的财务净现值最大,相对盈利能力最强;内部收益率、投资利润率、投资利税率和投入产出比则以2.0 m×3.5 m造林密度获得最大值,分别达63.32%、41.89%、46.54%、14.94%。
关键词:   桉树;无性系 密度;生长量 经济效益
Research on Growth and Economic Benefit of Eucalyptus Clones with =Different Density in the Middle Region of Guangxi
Li Fu-shen,LV Man-fang,, and
Weidu Forest Farm of Guangxi,,,
The growth and economic benefit of fiveyearold Eucalyptus clones with different density were researched. The results showed that most of diameter of test clones belonged to 13 or 14 diameter class, the distribution of the number of diameter in each diameter class tended to normal distribution, although planted with different density. The average tree height and DBH of three clones were slightly different, which had a slight increase with the reduction of density. The average tree height and DBH of DH3229 clones, under 2.0 m×4.0 m afforestation density, reached 20.2 m and 14.9 cm, respectively. The volume of DH3229 clones, planted with 2.0 m×3.0 m was the highest, reached 213.9 m3 per hm2. The financial net present value of DH3229 clones, planted with 2.0 m×3.0 m, was the largest, which was the most profitable. Internal rate of return, return on investment, profit and tax investment ratio and input and output ratio under 2.0 m×3.5 m planting density could obtain maximum, which was 63.32%, 41.89%, 41.89%, 46.54% and 14.94%, respectively.
Key words:   Eucalyptus ; clones ; density ; increment; economic benefits