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张汉永,江彩华 张钦源
梅州市林业科学研究所 广东梅州 514011,梅州市林业科学研究所 广东梅州 514011
对木荷进行扦插和嫁接育苗试验,扦插试验结果表明:采用体积比为1[DK]∶1的黄心土+河沙作为插床基质有利于插条生根;扦插前用ABT6或IBA处理插条均有显著的促根效果,其中用浓度为50 mg/L的ABT6溶液浸泡插条基部10 h,扦插生根率达72%;带顶芽的插条抽梢率显著高于不带顶芽的插条。嫁接试验的结果表明:顶芽接穗嫁接的成活率达76%,且其抽梢率显著大于侧芽嫁接。
关键词:   木荷;扦插 嫁接;成活率
Preliminary Study of Asexual Propagation Technology of Schima superba
Zhang Hanyong and
The cuttage and grafting experiment were carried out for rapid propagation of Schima superba. The results were as following: the mixed medium of yellow subsoil and sand (volume ratio 1[DK]∶1) was benefit of cutting rooting. The rooting agent ABT6 and IBA could improve the rooting effect significantly. When the cuttings soaked in 50 mg/L ABT6 solution for 10 hours, the rooting ratio was more than 72%. In study period, the shooting ratio of cuttings with terminal bud was higher than those without terminal bud. The scions with terminal bud had a higher survival rate of 76%, and had significant higher shooting ratio than those with lateral bud in study period.
Key words:   Schima;superba Cuttage;Grafting Survival