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为了解南亚热带中幼林人工林水质特征,本研究以不同林龄的人工林(针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林、桉树林和杉木林)为研究对象,分析了人工林溪流水水质特征,并综合评价了中幼龄人工林溪流水水质等级。结果表明,不同林分类型人工林溪流水pH值为5.93~6.34,均为弱酸性水;针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林溪流水中N含量均显著低于桉树林,P含量则显著高于桉树林。桉树林和杉木林地表水N含量大于2.0 mg/L,超过地表水V类标准限值,为富营养型;微量金属元素Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn、Cr6+含量达到生活饮用水标准。灰色关联度分析和主成分分析可知,杉木林溪流水水质最好,其次为桉树林、针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林,上述林分类型溪流水均达到地表水Ⅰ类标准。本研究为中幼龄人工林抚育及可持续经营提供科学参考。
关键词:   溪流水水质;中幼龄人工林;南亚热带
DOI: S715.3
分类号 S715.3
Stream Water Quality of Different Young and Middle Age Plantations in South Subtropics
WANG Min,Huang Yuhui,Zhang Weiqiang,Tang Honghui,Pan Lijun,Su Murong and Gan Xianhua
Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Maintenance Center for Yunyong Ecological Forest of Foshan,Maintenance Center for Yunyong Ecological Forest of Foshan,Guangdong Academy of Forestry
The stream water quality of needle-broadleaf mixed plantations (MP), evergreen broadleaf plantations (EBP), Eucalyptus plantations (EP) and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation (CLP) were determined to evaluate the level of stream water quality in different plantations. These plantations were divided into two age groups, 5 to 7-year-old and 9 to 11-year-old. The results were as following: the stream water in all plantations was slightly acid with pH of 5.93-6.34. Streams of MP and EBP had significant lower nitrogen and higher phosphorus concentration than EP. The stream in EP and CLP were eutrophication with total nitrogen concentration higher than 2.0 mg/L, which exceeded level V of environmental quality standards for surface water. The concentrations of trace metals including Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Cr6 met the standards of drinking water. Grey relation analysis and principal component analysis showed that stream quality was highest in the CLP, followed by EP, MP and EBP. All stream water in different plantations met the first level of environmental quality standards for surface water. These results could guide the sustainable management of young and middle age plantation.
Key words:   stream quality; young and middle age plantation; south subtropics