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广东省天井山林场 广东乳源,广东省天井山林场 广东乳源,广东省天井山林场 广东乳源,广东省天井山林场 广东乳源
为研究铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale) 在粤北高海拔地区的生长适应性,采用大棚栽培,观 测铁皮石斛生长发育各项指标。结果表明,铁皮石斛适应试验地气候,春天萌发的嫩芽生长期为3—8 月,5—7 月份为嫩芽茎节急速膨大阶段,6—8 月份为嫩芽茎节快速伸长阶段。瓶苗当年生茎最高长度达 25 cm,平均茎高度达16 cm,平均茎粗度达6 mm。
关键词:   铁皮石斛;生长性状;适应性栽培;粤北
分类号 S567.23 9 
Adaptive Cultivation Study of Dendrobium officinale at High Altitudes in Northern Guangdong
Zhanghuilan,Chenliying,Penghuagui and Huangchunhua
Guangdong Tianjingshan farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan farm
Temperature and humidity of the experimental greenhouse were observed and seedling growth and development of Dendrobium officinale were analyzed to estimate the growth adaptability of D. officinale at high attitude in northern Guangdong. The results showed that D. officinale was adapted to the climate of the experimental area and the shoots germinated into Spring and grew from March to August. The shoot expanded rapidly on May to July, and extended rapidly for June to August. The year maximum length of the stem went to 25 cm and the average hight was 16 cm, the average diameter of the stem was 6 mm.
Key words:   Dendrobium officinale;growth traits;adaptability cultivation;northern Guangdong