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以选育出的23个黎蒴优良家系最优单株的半同胞子代为材料,在韶关市曲江林场营建试验林并进行生长测定。2、3、4 a生时调查分析树高、胸径/地径和材积3个主要生长性状,结果表明:黎蒴二代优良家系间的高生长、径生长和单株材积存在差异显著(P<005),蕴含丰富的遗传变异。家系间变异系数最高的是单株材积,其次是径生长,最小的是高生长。运用26%入选率,从中筛选出6个黎蒴二代优良家系。较对照而言,4 a生入选家系的树高提高1000%~2043%,胸径提高1061%~2732%,单株材积提高4124%~6804%,表明黎蒴二代优良家系在粤北具有较好的早期生长表现。相关性分析发现,黎蒴3个生长量性状在同年度或不同年度间均具有显著或极显著相关性,这为黎蒴性状的间接选择和早期选择奠定了基础。
关键词:   黎蒴;优良家系;子代;生长性状
分类号 S718.54
Early Growth Performance of Superior Families’ Progenies of Castanopsis fissa in North Guangdong
zhongzhuokun,Liangshaohua,wangyingli and zhangqian
Shaoguan Research Institute of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry
The half-sib progenies from the top individuals of 23 投注appally-selected superior families of Castanopsis fissa were planted in Qujiang Forest Farm at Shaoguan City for growth testing. Investigation was conducted at ages 2, 3 and 4 years and studied three main growth traits. Significant difference(P<005) were observed in height growth, diameter increment and individual stock volume, indicating the existence of vast 投注app variations. The highest variation coefficient among families were individual stock volume, which was followed by diameter increment, while height increase was the lowest. The selections based on 26% of selection ratio screened out 6 superior families from the second generation progenies. The selected families’ height, diameter at breast height and individual stock volume increased by 1000%-2043%, 1061%-2732% and 4124%-6804% respectively at age 4 years when compared with the control, strongly suggesting that these progenies from the superior families had outstanding early growth performance in north Guangdong. The correlation analysis revealed significant and highly significant associations among three growth traits at the same year or at different years, which laid a foundation for indirect selection and early selection in future.
Key words:   Castanopsis;fissa, superior;families, progeny, growth;traits