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福建省洋口国有林场 福建顺昌 353211
2013 年 11 月,课题组在闽西北地区(明溪县、将乐县和宁化县境内)采用逐一踏查与询问的 方式对光皮梾木(Cornus wilsoniana)进行了较为详细的资源调查。结果发现:闽西北地区存在天然光皮 梾木种群,分布非常有限;现存光皮梾木包括树龄在 100 a 以上的散生古树和天然小群体两种分布类型; 共收集闽西北地区光皮梾木种质资源(优树) 24 份,其中收集种子并成功育苗的有 11 个家系;方差分析 结果表明, 1 a 生苗木平均苗高在家系间差异较小,家系间平均地径差异极显著(P < 0.01),地径较大的 前 3 个家系为滴水 3、都尞 1 和滴水 2。闽西北地区光皮梾木珍贵野生植物资源亟待保护、利用和开发。
关键词:   光皮梾木 ; 石灰岩 ; 生态恢复 ; 油料植物 ; 乡土树种
分类号 S794.4  
Status and Evaluation on Germplasm Resources of Cornus wilsoniana in Northwestern Fujian Region
YE dai-quan
Yangku National Forest Farm,Shunchang Fujian 353211
Cornus wilsoniana is a high quality and ideal multi-purpose woody oil plant, and also a native species in Fujian province particularly suitable for reforestation in limestone area. According to the investigation results of germplasm resources of C. wilsoniana in northwestern Fujian (Minxi, Jiangle and Ninghua county) in November 2013, existing tree distribution type mainly included old trees with age of over 100 years old and small natural population. Based on the main target economic characters of growth and fruit yields, 24 plus trees of C. wilsoniana were selected. Seeds from 11 individuals were collected and propagated to seedlings successfully. There was little difference in the average height of 1-year-old seedlings among families, but significant difference was found on the average basal diameter by ANOVA analysis. The wild resources of C. wilsoniana in northwestern Fujian province needed to be protected, use and development.
Key words:   Cornus wilsoniana; limestone; ecological restoration; oil plants; indigenous tree species