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为充分了解光皮梾木(Cornus wilsoniana)果实特征、利用优树资源选育良种,对来自江西省和广东省的光皮梾木优树及扩繁无性系的果实性状、产量进行测定,结果表明:光皮梾木优树的鲜果、种子平均直径分别为 6.08、4.54 mm,光皮梾木优树的鲜果、种子平均百粒重为 14.3、5.56 g,光皮梾木优树无性系的鲜果、种子平均直径分别为 5.81、4.32 mm;光皮梾木优树平均鲜果直径、种子直径、种子百粒重与扩繁无性系的平均鲜果直径、种子直径、种子百粒重间的相关系数分别为 0.638、0.681、0.774,呈显著相关(P < 0.05);优树无性系的果实直径、种子直径、种子百粒重复力分别为 0.973 4、0.974 0、 0.992 1;优树无性系的鲜果平均单株产量为 620.0~2 636.7 g,初选的优良无性系 JX3、JX2、JX12 鲜果平均单株产量分别为 2 661.4、2 637.7、2 320.0 g,比试验林全林均值 1 723.5 g 分别高 54.4%、53.0%、34.6%;优树无性系的鲜果平均直径与鲜果平均单株产量相关系数为 0.431,相关性不显著。
关键词:   光皮梾木;优树;鲜果直径;种子直径;百粒重;单株产量
Study on fruit characteristics and yield of Cornus wilsoniana
WANG Minghuai,LIN Jun,DENG Wenjian,ZHANG Yingzhong,ZHANG Liangbo and HE Zhengxiang
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization; Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Lechang Longshan Forest Farm,Lechang Longshan Forest Farm,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization; Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Hunan Academy of Forestry; Hunan Engineering Research Center of Biodiesel,School of Life Sciences, Nanjing University
The fruit characteristics and yield of the Cornus wilsoniana excellent tree and the clone of the C. wilsoniana excellent tree from Jiangxi province and Guangdong province were studied. The results showed that for the C. wilsoniana excellent tree, the average fruit diameter and seed diameter were 6.08 and 4.54 mm; the average hundred-grain-weight of fresh fruit and seed were 14.3 and 5.56 g; the average fruit diameter, seed diameter of the excellent tree clone for C. wilsoniana were 5.81, 4.32 mm; the repeatabilities of fruit diameter, seed diameter and hundred-seed-weight were 0.973 4、0.974 0、0.992 1. For the clone of excellent tree, the average yield of fresh fruit per plant was 620.0~2 636.7 g; the average yield per plant of JX3, JX2 and JX12 were 2 661.4, 2 637.7 and 2 320.0 g respectively, which were 54.4%, 53.0%, 34.6% higher than the yield of the whole forest. The correlation coefficients of fruit diameter, seed diameter and hundred-seed-weight between the excellent tree and the clone of excellent tree were 0.638, 0.681 and 0.774, which were significant or extreamly significant. The correlation coefficient between seed diameter and yield of the excellent tree clone was 0.431 and the correlation was not significant.
Key words:   Cornus wilsoniana;fruit diameter;seed diameter;hundrand-grain weight;yield