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文章以流溪河林场5 种不同林分为研究对象,分析其枯落物和土壤持水特性。结果表明:(1) 5 种林分枯落物持水能力表现为:荔枝(Litchi chinensis)林> 针阔混交林> 杉木林> 阔叶混交林> 毛竹 林;(2)5 种林分0 ~ 60 cm 土壤容重随土层深度增加而增大,60 cm 土层平均容重大小依次为:毛竹林< 针阔混交林< 阔叶混交林< 杉木林< 荔枝林;(3)5 种林分土壤总孔隙度平均大小依次为毛竹林> 针阔 混交林> 阔叶混交林> 杉木林> 荔枝林;(4)5 种林分土壤贮水量大小为毛竹林> 针阔混交林> 荔枝林> 杉木林> 阔叶混交林。总体而言,荔枝林枯落物持水性最好,毛竹林土壤持水性最强。
关键词:   流溪河;枯落物;土壤物理性质;持水性
Water-holding capacity of litter and soil in five types of forests in Liuxihe
Chen Hongyue
South China Agriculture University
In this paper, five types of forest stand in Liuxihe forest farm were selected as research objects to analyze the water-holding capacity of litter and soil. The results showed that: (1) The water-holding capacity of litter showed as follows: Litchi forest > coniferous-broadleaved mixed forest > Chinese fir forest > broadleaved mixed forest > Moso bamboo forest. (2) Soil bulk density in 0 ~ 60 cm depth of five kinds of forest stand increased with the depth of soil layer increasing. The order in 60 cm was: Moso bamboo forest < coniferousbroadleaved mixed forest < broad-leaved mixed forest < Chinese fir forest < Litchi forest. (3) The order of the total soil porosity of five stands was Moso bamboo forest > coniferous-broadleaved mixed forest > broad-leaved mixed forest > Chinese fir forest > Litchi forest. (4) The order of the soil water-holding capacity of five stands was Moso bamboo forest > coniferous-broadleaved mixed forest > Litchi forest > Chinese fir forest > broad-leaved mixed forest. In general, the water-holding capacity of litter in Litchi forest was the best, and the water-holding capacity of Moso bamboo forest was the strongest.
Key words:   Liuxihe; litter; soil physical characteristics; water-holding capacity