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在6年生黑木相思无性系试验林中,对14个无性系叶长、叶宽、叶面积、叶柄长、叶厚、比叶面积及叶干物质量等7项叶片性状进行了测定和变异分析。结果表明:叶面积和叶柄长变异系数较大,叶干物质量的变异系数较小,且叶片性状的变异主要为无性系之间的变异。同时发现黑木相思无性系叶片性状之间存在相关性,如叶长、叶柄长和叶宽与叶面积呈极显著正相关,而叶面积、比叶面积与干物质量呈极显著负相关,且叶厚与比叶面积呈极显著负相关。除此之外,还发现除叶柄长外,其它6个叶片性状都是鉴定无性系的重要特征指标。且14个无性系聚为 4类,F1、 SR38、SR41被单独聚类,其它11个无性系聚为1大类。这些结果为黑木相思无性系的鉴定、进一步资源分类和育种利用提供依据。
关键词:   黑木相思;叶片性状;变异
Analysis of variation of leaf traits in Acacia melanoxylon fourteen preferred clones
LV Zhongyue,Qiu Zhenfei,ZENG Bingshan,FAN Chunjie and DENG Wenlin
Shaoguan State-owned Benevolence Forst Farm,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry,Shaoguan State-owned benevolence Forest Farm
The 投注app variation of leaf traits including leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, petiole length, thickness of blade, specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content in 14 excellent clones in 6-year-oldSAcacia melanoxylonSforest were studied and analyzed. The results showed that the leaf traits exhibited significant differences amongSA. melanoxylon clones, in which the variation coefficient of leaf the leaf width and leaf area was higher, and that of leaf dry matter content was relative low. It was also found that different leaf traits exist correlation. For example, leaf length, petiole length and leaf width had significant positive correlation with leaf area. And leaf area and specific leaf area showed significant nagtive correlation with leaf dry matter content. Meanwhile, specific leaf area showed significant nagtive correlation with thickness of blade. Besides, almost all leaf traits except for petiole length could be used for identifing these A. melanoxylon clones. All clones were clustered for four groups, which F1,SR38 and SR41 were cluster one dividual group, respectively, and the rest 11 clones were cluster for one main group. These result will lay the foundations for clones identification, resource category and further breedings of A. melanoxylon.
Key words:   Acacia melanoxylon; Leaf trait; variation