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根据短轮伐期桉树纸浆用材林不同林龄桉树(Eucalyptus)的树高、胸径、材积的生长特性,以及不同林龄桉树纯林土壤化学性质的特点,分析一个轮伐期内桉树纯林土壤养分变化,结果表明中林集团雷州林业局有限公司现有的施肥技术不尽合理,造林后第 2 年氮素缺乏,第 4 年磷、钾素不足,第 5年氮、钾素含量偏低,而第 3 年土壤基本元素含量相对偏高,因此以维持林地当前土壤肥力水平为目的,对林场现行的施肥方案提出了相应的调整建议,可有针对性地补充该生长阶段所缺乏的元素。
关键词:   桉树;施肥;合理性
Rationality Analysis of Fertilization Techniques for Short-rotation Eucalyptus Plantation in Leizhou Peninsula
meijiayi and moxiaoyong
South China Agricultural University,South China Agricultural University
According to the characteristics of the tree height, diameter at breast height and volume growth, as well as soil chemical properties of different age-old eucalyptus trees in short-rotation Eucalyptus pulp forest, it was found that existing fertilization technology of China Forestry Group Leizhou Forestry Bureau Co., Ltd. was not reasonable according to the changes of soil nutrients in the Eucalyptus forests during a rotation period, nitrogen deficiency in the second year, phosphorus and potassium deficiency in the fourth year, nitrogen and potassium content in the fifth year were low, and the basic elemental content of soil in the third year was relatively high. Therefore, in order to maintain the current soil fertility of the forest land, we put forward some suggestions for adjusting the current fertilization plan. Fertilization should be targeted to supplement the elements lacking in this stage of growth.
Key words:   Eucalyptus; fertilization; rationality