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通过路线调查法对海珠国家湿地公园植物资源进行研究。结果显示:海珠国家湿地公园植物 资源较为丰富,共记录维管植物625 种,隶属130 科434 属。其中被子植物113 科414 属596 种,裸子 植物6 科9 属10 种,蕨类植物11 科11 属19 种。根据生境类型,可划分为湿地生境、园地生境和果园 生境,分别记录植物有107 种、362 种、156 种,占植物总种数的17.12%、57.92% 和24.96%。海珠湿地 乡土植物共记录268 种,占植物种数的42.88%,外来入侵植物37 种,占总植物种数的5.92%。该湿地公 园濒危保护植物共计8 种,占植物种数的1.28%。根据以上调查结果, 提出了需要对果林进行适度的人为 干预,提高物种多样性;控制外来湿地植物,充分利用乡土水生植物资源; 加强外来入侵植物的防治, 增 加乡土植物的培植等建议。
关键词:   植物资源;海珠湿地;生境
Plant Resources of Haizhu National Wetland Park, Guangzhou
South China Agricultural University
The plant resources of Haizhu National Wetland Park were investigated using the method of route survey. Totally, the results shown that plant resources of Haizhu National Park were abundant with 625 vascular plant species, belonging to130 families and 434 genera. Among them, there are 596 angiosperm species belonging to 113 families, 414 genera and 10 gymnosperm species belonging to 6 families,9 genera,as well as 19 pteridophytes species belonging to 11 families,11 genera. According to the types of living habitat, the wetland park could be divided into wetland, garden and orchard habitats with 107 species, 362 species and 156 species recorded respectively, accounting for 17.12%, 57.92% and 24.96% of all plants. In additional, there were 268 native plants and 37 invasive plants recorded in Haizhu wetland, accounting for 42.88% and 5.92% of the total plants respectively. Apart from that, endangered plants were counted 8 species totally which occupied 1.28% of plant species. Based on the above investigation results, some suggestions were put forward. Firstly, in order to increase species diversity, we should enhance appropriate human intervention in fruit forests; secondly, control alien wetland plants invasion and make full use of native aquatic wild plant resources, as well as strengthen the control of alien invasive plants and increase native plants cultivation.
Key words:   plant resources; Hai zhu Wetland; biotope