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厦门大学环境与生态学院,河口生态安全与环境健康福建省高校重点实验室厦门大学嘉庚学院,厦门大学环境与生态学院; 河口生态安全与环境健康福建省高校重点实验室(厦门大学嘉庚学院),河口生态安全与环境健康福建省高校重点实验室厦门大学嘉庚学院,河口生态安全与环境健康福建省高校重点实验室厦门大学嘉庚学院,河口生态安全与环境健康福建省高校重点实验室厦门大学嘉庚学院,河口生态安全与环境健康福建省高校重点实验室厦门大学嘉庚学院,厦门大学环境与生态学院; 河口生态安全与环境健康福建省高校重点实验室(厦门大学嘉庚学院)
引种于珠海淇澳岛的外来红树植物拉关木(Laguncularia racemosa),在当地能否繁殖更新或 造成种苗大量扩散成灾?为此,针对珠海淇澳岛红树林湿地引种园内引种10 年后的群落结构特征及种 苗扩散情况进行调查。结果表明:(1)拉关木群落的结构组成简单、空间层次分布明显、林下植被主要 为老鼠簕(Acanthus ilicifolius),占群落总数的86.40%;( 2)群落中有秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、桐花树 (Aegiceras corniculatum)、银叶树(Heritiera littoralis)、老鼠簕、卤蕨(Acrostichum aureum)等乡土红树 植物的自然更新现象,表明拉关木人工林可以促进乡土红树植物的更新;(3)在拉关木引种林内、林缘、 沟渠、互花米草内均未发现拉关木小苗,表明拉关木在珠海淇澳岛极难自然更新成林。
关键词:   拉关木;群落结构;天然更新;淇澳岛
The Analysis of Structural Features and Natural Diffusion of Laguncularia racemosa Community in Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai
Wang xiuli,CAI Jun,ZHOU Liang,HUANG Yuhang,WANG Zhenxing,FU Zhiyu,REN Tingting and LU Changyi
Xiamen University,Key Laboratory of Estuarine Ecological Security and Environmental Health ( Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College), Fujian Province University,College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University; Key Laboratory of Estuarine Ecological Security and Environmental Health ( Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College), Fujian Province University,Key Laboratory of Estuarine Ecological Security and Environmental Health ( Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College), Fujian Province University,Key Laboratory of Estuarine Ecological Security and Environmental Health ( Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College), Fujian Province University,Key Laboratory of Estuarine Ecological Security and Environmental Health ( Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College), Fujian Province University,Key Laboratory of Estuarine Ecological Security and Environmental Health ( Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College), Fujian Province University,College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University; Key Laboratory of Estuarine Ecological Security and Environmental Health ( Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College), Fujian Province University
Laguncularia racemosa (Combretaceae) is an alien pioneer species of mangrove forests and has been introduced to Qi""ao Island. Whether it would caused a large number of seedlings spread disaster? The structural features of the mangrove community of the introduced L. racemosa planted in the tropical area for 10 years were analyzed, with the purpose to provide a theoretical mode for restoring or rehabilitating the degraded tropical ecosystems. The results showed that: (1) There were simple structure compositions and signi?cant spatial distributions in L. racemosa arti?cial communities, and Acanthus ilicifolius was the mainly understory species, accounting for 86.40% of the total number of communities; (2) Natural regeneration of Kandelia obovata, Aegiceras corniculatum, Heritiera littoralis, Acanthus ilicifolius, and Acrostichum aureum were observed in the community, suggesting that L. racemosa manmade recovery mode could accelerate the regeneration of the indigenous mangrove species; (3) The perennial L. racemosa seedlings were not found in the forest, forest edge, ditches, and underbrush of Spartina alterniflora. Therefore, it was difficult for L. racemosa to naturally regenerated and succeeded in the Qi""ao Island.
Key words:   Laguncularia racemosa; community structure; natural regeneration; Qi""ao Island