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基于广东省1978—2017 年9 次森林资源连续清查数据,通过统计和图表分析人工林的面积、 蓄积、公顷蓄积和龄组的动态变化。结果表明:1978—2017 年人工林面积增长量为327.08 万hm2,年均 增加8.18 万hm2;人工林森林蓄积量增长了7.8 倍, 年均增长471.09 万m3;人工林公顷蓄积大幅度提高, 且质量得到了质的提升。文章同时指出了当前我省人工林发展中存在的问题,并对如何进一步提升和发 展人工林进行了讨论。
关键词:   森林资源连续清查;人工林;动态分析
Dynamic Analysis of Plantation Resources in Guangdong Province Based on Continuous Inventory of Forest Resources
Yang Jiazhi,Zhang Hongai,Yan Yulian,Luo Yong and Zhang Liang
Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute,Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute,Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute,Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute,Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute
Based on the data of 9 continuous inventory of forest resources in 1978-2017, the research methods of statistics and chart analysis were used to study the area, volume, hectare volume and age group of plantation in Guangdong province. The results showed that the increase in plantation area in 1978-2017 was 3.270 8 million hm2, an average annual increase of 81 800 hm2, and the volume of plantations has increased by 7.8 times, with an average annual growth of 4.710 9 million m3; the hectare volume of plantation has been greatly increased, and the quality of plantation was improved qualitatively. At the same time, the paper points out the problems existing in the development of plantation, and discusses how to further enhance and develop the plantation.
Key words:   continuous inventory of forest resources; plantation; dynamic analysis