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深圳园林股份有限公司,首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,深圳园林股份有限公司,中山大学生命科学学院 广东 广州,首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,中山大学生命科学学院 广东 广州
以深圳地区8 种常见生态公益林树种的叶为研究对象,采用固相微萃取(SPME)收集挥发物 质(VOCs)成分,通过GC-MS 对VOCs 进行分离鉴定,并通过各峰质谱图进行标准谱库检索,以质谱 和KI 值的参比匹配和峰面积归一法确定挥发性物质成分及其相对含量,结合相关文献确定其保健功效。 麻楝Chukrasia tabularis、海南蒲桃Syzygium hainanense、红鳞蒲桃Syzygium hancei、乐昌含笑Michelia chapensis、深山含笑Michelia maudiae、樟树Cinnamomum camphora、华润楠Machilus chinensis、枫香 Liquidambar formosana 分别鉴定出高匹配挥发物质17、20、21、28、24、21、30、21 种,占各自挥发性 总成分的80.21%、86.38%、98.08%、75.32%、98.83%、93.27%、95.25%、95.51%。经分析得出,有益 呼吸系统挥发物含量较高的有海南蒲桃、红鳞蒲桃、深山含笑、华润楠,有益心血管系统挥发物含量较 高的有深山含笑、华润楠,镇痛镇静挥发物含量较高的有红鳞蒲桃、华润楠,抗菌杀菌挥发物含量较高 的植物有红鳞蒲桃、深山含笑、华润楠,驱虫杀虫挥发物含量较高的植物有深山含笑。总体上,所试材 料中,红鳞蒲桃、深山含笑、华润楠3 种植物的保健作用较为广谱和突出。
关键词:   生态公益林;VOCs;固相微萃取- 气质联用;保健作用;森林康养
Identification of Volatile Organic Compounds and Pharmaceutical Properties of Eight Common Urban Forest Plants from Shenzhen Regions
SUN Yanjun,ZHANG Wei,WANG Yiqin,LIAO Wenbo,WANG Lei and SU Weiwei
Shenzhen Landscape Co Ltd,Shenzhen,College of Resource Environment and Tourism,Capital Normal University,Shenzhen Landscape Co Ltd,Shenzhen,School of Life Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou,College of Resource Environment and Tourism,Capital Normal University,School of Life Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou
The leaves of 8 common ecological public welfare forest species originated from the Shenzhen region were used as research objects. Based on the GC-MS analysis,the composition of volatile matter was determined by the reference of mass spectrometry and KI value, and the relative content was determined by peak area normalization method. The health benefits of each volatile substance were determined by reference torelevant literature. The recorded number of high-matching VOCs were17(with the relative content 80.21% of total volatile substances), 20(86.38), 21(98.08%), 28(75.32%), 24(98.83%), 21(93.27%), 30(95.25%) and 21(95.51%), respectively, which were defected from Chukrasia tabularis, Syzygium hainanense, Syzygium hancei, Michelia chapensis, Michelia maudiae, Cinnamomum camphora, Machilus chinensis, and Liquidambar formosana. Based on results from the analysis, several species were recorded with high abundance of useful chemical compounds that are useful for health and daily life applications, such as respiratory system (Syzygium hainanense, Syzygium hancei, Michelia maudiae, Machilus chinensis), blood circulation (Michelia maudiae, Machilus chinensis), painrelieve (Syzygium hancei, Machilus chinensis), anti-microbial (Syzygium hancei, Michelia maudiae, Machilus chinensis), anti-pest (Michelia maudiae). Upon comparison between all tested species, Syzygium hancei, Michelia maudiae, Machilus chinensis were known to provide remarkable pharmacological benefits.
Key words:   ecological public welfare forest; VOCs; SPME-GC-MS; pharmaceutical properties; forest health and wellness