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黄锐洲1, 韦雪芬1, 黄燕1, 李焜钊1, 唐光大1, 陈瑜2
为了理清广东省番荔枝科植物及区系地理分布现状,为区域资源保护和开发利用提供最新资料,研究在结合最新分类修订和新发表植物类群的基础上,通过野外调查、文献查阅、标本鉴定和统计分析,结果显示:广东省野生番荔枝科 Annonaceae 植物共计 12 属 31 种;其中尖叶瓜馥木 Fissistigma acuminatissimum 在《投注app》和 Folra of China 均未记录广东分布。广东省番荔枝科植物以瓜馥木属Fissistigma 最为丰富,其次为紫玉盘属 Uvaria 与鹰爪花属 Artabotrys。区系地理成分方面:广东省内番荔枝科植物以热带亚洲分布占优势;与邻近的 8 个省区番荔枝科植物区系比较,广东—海南之间属和种相似性系数最高,广东—澳门之间的属和种相似性系数最低。
关键词:   番荔枝科;植物区系;新资料
基金项目:广东省林业厅项目 (粤财农[2019]51 号)
Geographical Elements of Annonaceae in Guangdong
HUANG Ruizhou1, WEI Xuefen1, HUANG Yan1, LI Kunzhao1, TANG Guangda1, CHEN YU2
1.College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University;2.Tianbaotang State-owned Forest Farm of Jiexi County
This paper focused on the floristic geography of Annonaceae base on field surveys, literature review, specimens identification and data analysis. There are 31 species of 12 genera of Annonaceae in Guangdong province according to the records of newly taxonomic revisions and new species. Fissraigma acuminatissimum has not yet been recorded in Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae and Folra of China. In Guangdong, the most abundant species of the Genera is Fissistigma, followed by Uvaria and Artabotrys. The distribution type of Annonaceae in Guangdong mainly belonged to the tropical Asia regions. Compared with the ?ora of 8 neighboring provinces and cities, the genera and species of Guangdong-Hainan are the most similar, and Guangdong-Macau are the most different.
Key words:   Annonaceae; Flora; New data